Connect a WooCommerce store to FeedOps

How to connect a WooCommerce store to FeedOps via API

Before starting this process, you will need to create a FeedOps account.

Step 1 will help you enable your REST API.

Step 2 will help you generate your API Credentials.

Step 1 - Enabling your REST API

  1. Login to your WooCommerce administration panel.
  2. Click on WooCommerce in Dashboard on the left side of your screen.
  3. Click on the Settings tab.
  4. Click on the Advanced tab.
  5. Under the Advanced tab, click on Legacy 
  6. Tick the Enable the legacy REST API box.
  7. Save your changes and proceed to step 2.

Step 2 - Generating your API Key

  1. Click REST API button near the Legacy API button.
  2. Click Add key button below the REST API heading.
  3. Add a Description. We recommend "Dynamic Creative API Key".
  4. Select a User. We recommend creating a new user for The Dynamic Creative Ad Platform, but you can use an existing user.
  5. Select Read access under Permissions.
  6. Click Generate API key.
  7. You will now see your Consumer key and Consumer secret and can enter it into FeedOps.