How to Configure Tax Settings in Google Merchant Center

Setting up accurate tax information in Google Merchant Center is crucial for displaying the correct prices to customers in your Google Ads. This article shows you how to configure tax settings in Merchant Center.

Steps to Configure Tax Settings

Step 1: Access the Tax Settings

  • Navigate to Settings: Log in to your Google Merchant Center account. In the left-hand menu, click on "Settings".
  • Select Tax Information: Find the section labeled "Tax" and click on it. This will open the tax settings for your account.

Step 2: Set Up Tax Rules

  • Country of Sale: Start by selecting the country for which you want to configure tax settings. This should match the country where your products are sold and shipped.
  • Configure State-Specific Tax Rates: If you operate in the United States, you need to set up state-specific tax rates. Click on "Add state" and select the state from the dropdown menu. Enter the tax rate applicable for that state.
    • If the state requires tax to be charged on shipping, ensure you check the appropriate box.

Step 3: Use Advanced Tax Settings (Optional)

  • Tax Exemptions: If certain products are tax-exempt in specific regions, specify these exemptions by selecting the product category or providing the product ID, and setting the tax rate to zero for the specified regions.
  • Include or Exclude Tax in Prices: Decide whether the prices uploaded to your Merchant Center include tax. This is particularly important if you are targeting countries with VAT, where prices typically include tax.

Step 4: Verify and Apply Changes

  • Review Your Settings: Double-check all the tax rates and settings to ensure they are accurate and reflect the latest tax laws and regulations.
  • Save Changes: Click the "Save" button to apply your tax settings. It is important to update these settings whenever there are changes in tax rates or laws.

Best Practices for Managing Tax Settings

  • Stay Informed: Tax rates can change due to new legislation or other factors. Regularly check for updates in tax laws in the regions where you operate.
  • Consistency Across Channels: Ensure that the tax information is consistent across all sales channels to avoid customer confusion and potential legal issues.
  • Documentation and Records: Keep records of your tax settings and updates as part of your financial documentation for easy reference during audits or financial reviews.


Proper configuration of tax settings in Google Merchant Center is essential for accurate pricing in your Google Ads. By following these steps and regularly updating your settings, you can maintain compliance with tax regulations and ensure a smooth shopping experience for your customers.