Managing Merchant Center Errors

You can see a breakdown of the errors and warnings in your Merchant Center with Dynamic Creative's Merchant Center Errors tool. This tool allows you to see which issues in your Merchant Center require your immediate attention, and provides links to relevant help documentation.

Issues are specified at two levels: Account level and Products level. Account level issues affect your whole account, and are generally related to account setup. Products level issues are product-specific and may only apply to a subsection of your whole products in Merchant Center. You can change between the Account and Products views by clicking on the respective tab at the top of the Merchant Center Errors tool.

We're able to group issue into relevant groupings, so that all of the issues that are similar or relate to similar things are easily findable. For example, all product issues relating to Shipping attributes can be found in the Shipping group under the Products tab.

We also group issues by severity. Every issue group has two severity levels: errors and warnings. This lets you prioritise the errors over the warnings, if needed.

Once you click into an issue group, you can examine the issues in more detail in the scrollable table at the bottom of the Merchant Center Errors tool. Here you can see the specific issues affecting your Merchant Center, a description of the issue, the amount of products it is affecting, and a link to documentation relevant to the issue (if available).