Conversion Tracking and Dynamic Remarketing Tag Instructions for WooCommerce

Improve your advertising effectiveness by setting up conversion tracking and a dynamic remarketing tag on your WooCommerce website

For adding Google Tag Manager container to WooCommerce we recommend using the “Google Tag Manager for WordPress” plugin, available for free here.

  1. You will first need to import the FeedOps Google Tag Manager container on your website.
  2. Download the plugin by clicking the download button in the top right corner of the page
  3. Login to your Wordpress backend and from the left hand menu select “Add New” from the plugins option.
  4. In the top of the page click “Upload Plugin”
    Then click “Choose File” and select the .zip file you downloaded in step 1image1
    Then click “Install Now” and follow the step until the plugin is installed
  5. Once the plugin has installed, find it in the “Installed Plugins” page and click “Settings”
  6. Get the “Google Tag Manager ID” from the Google Tag Manager container.
  7. Enter your “Google Tag Manager ID” and select Footer option as the "Container code part placement" as shown below.
  8. Next navigate to the Integration tab and select WooCommerce, ensure the "Track enhanced e-commerce", "Order data in data layer" and "Use SKU instead of ID" options are enabled. 

  9. Click on "Save Changes".
  10. To verify that your dynamic remarketing and conversion tracking works, you can follow the below guides: