How to Verify & Claim your website in Google Merchant Center for Shopify

Verify & Claim your website to get exclusive right to use your website in connection with your Google Merchant Center account.

If you don't know where the setting is to Verify & Claim your website in Google Merchant Center, check our Where to find the setting to Verify & Claim your website in Google Merchant Center account guide.

The best way to verify & claim your website in Google Merchant Center is to add an HTML tag to your website.Add HTML Tag - MC

After selecting the Add an HTML tag or upload an HTML file to your website option, you will see steps to add the HTML tag. Copy the HTML tag.Meta Tag - MC

The following steps will help you add the copied HTML tag to your Shopify store.

  1. Log in to your Shopify admin panel.
  2. In the left-hand menu, go to SALES CHANNELS > Online Store > Themes, then on your live theme, click Actions and select Edit Code.Edit Code - Shopify
  3. Within Edit Code, go to Layout > theme.liquid and paste the copied HTML tag within the <head></head> tags, as high as possible and click Save.Meta GTM - Shopify

Now, all that is left is to Verify & Claim your website in Google Merchant Center. Go back to Google Merchant Center and click Verify website.Verify Website - MC

Once verified, you will need to CLAIM URL.Claim URL - MC

You have now successfully verified & claimed your website in Google Merchant Center.Verified & Claimed - MC